年龄:1994.12 电话:13017172204 邮箱:qinyou94@163.com
2024.06-至今 南华大学土木工程学院 专任教师(校聘教授)/硕士生导师
2025.01-至今 华东交通大学 博士后
2017.09-2024.06 南京工业大学 岩土工程/博士(硕博连读)
2013.09-2017.06 南京工业大学 交通工程(轨道交通方向)/本科
1.Qin You, Long Hui, Wu Qi, Ma Weijia, Chen Guoxing, Zhuang Haiyang. (2025).Volumetric strain accumulation for saturated coral sand under various cyclic loading patterns. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 190, 109198.
2.Qin You, Guo Hao, Long Hui, Shan Zhendong, Wu Qi, Zhuang Haiyang, Chen Guoxing (2025). Experimental investigation of shear modulus and damping ratio of saturated marine coral sand: Effects of frequency, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology.
3.Qin You, Yang Xinhong, Long Hui, Wu Qi, Chen Guoxing, Zhuang Haiyang. (2025). Seismic liquefaction evaluation method of saturated sandy soils with non-1plastic fines content based on strain energy. International Journal of Geomechanics.
4.秦悠,杜歆宇,马维嘉,吴琪,陈国兴.不同初始剪应力下饱和珊瑚砂的液化特性[J/OL].哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2025.
5.秦悠,龙慧,吴琪,庄海洋,陈国兴.复杂应力路径下饱和珊瑚砂孔压增长与刚度退化的阈值应变试验研究.岩土力学, 2025
6.Qin You, Yang Zhengtao, Long Hui, Ma Weijia, Wu Qi, Chen Guoxing. (2024). Threshold strain for the accumulation of excess pore-water pressure in saturated coral sands under complex cyclic loading patterns. Ocean Engineering, 310, 118691.
7.Qin You, Yang Xinhong, Long Hui, Wu Qi, Ma Weijia, Chen Guoxing. (2024). Experimental investigation of effect of anisotropic consolidation on characteristics of liquefaction of saturated coral sand. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology.
8.Qin You, Yang Zhengtao, Du Xinyu, Wu Qi, Chen Guoxing. (2024). An energy-based model for the generation of excess pore water pressure in saturated coral sand. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 42(2), 193-204.
9.秦悠,杜歆宇,马维嘉,吴琪,陈国兴.各向异性固结下饱和珊瑚砂超静孔压增长的能量模式.工程力学, 2024, 41(12): 158-166.
10.Qin You, Du Xinyu, Xu Zihao, Ma Weijia, Chen Guoxing. (2024). Comparisons of cyclic response and reconsolidation volumetric strain of saturated coral sand and siliceous sand. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 42(3), 317-326.
11.Qin You, Ma Weijia, Xu Zihao, Chen Guoxing, Zhao Kai, Wu Qi. (2023). Effects of consolidation conditions on the dynamic shear modulus of saturated coral sand over a wide strain range. Engineering Geology, 324: 107260.
12.Qin You, Ma Weijia, Wu Shuanglan, Wu Qi, Zhanglei, Chen Guoxing. (2023). Fixed-axis shear characteristics of marine coral sand under various consolidation conditions. Ocean Engineering, 286: 115642.
13.Qin You, Du Xinyu, Yang Zhengtao, Ma Weijia, Wu Qi, Chen Guoxing. (2023). Characteristics of solid-liquid phase transformation of saturated coral sand subjected to various patterns of cyclic loading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 60(11), 1681-1694.
14.Qin You, Du Xinyu, Wu Qi, Ma Weijia, Chen Guoxing. (2023). Experimental investigation of cyclic failure mechanism of saturated coral sand under various consolidation conditions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 82: 216.
15.Qin You, Xu Zihao, Yang Zhengtao, Du Xinyu, Ma Weijia, Chen Guoxing. (2023). Experimental investigation of liquefaction characteristics of saturated coral sand subjected to complex cyclic stress paths: Effects of loading frequency. Applied Ocean Research, 138: 103662.
16.秦悠,马维嘉,赵凯,吴琪,陈国兴.不同循环应力路径下饱和珊瑚砂体应变的发展特征.岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(06): 1294-1302.
17.秦悠,杜歆宇,马维嘉,吴琪,陈国兴.不循环应力路径下饱和珊瑚砂超静孔压增长的改进应力模型.岩土力学, 2023, 44(06): 1729-1738.
18.秦悠,马维嘉,吴琪,赵凯,陈国兴.各向异性固结下饱和珊瑚砂的不排水循环反应特性.土木工程学报, 2023, 56(12): 177-186.
19.秦悠,杨铮涛,吴琪,赵凯,陈国兴.不同循环加载方式下饱和珊瑚砂的液化流动特性.岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(08): 1625-1634.
20.Chen Guoxing,Qin You, Wu Qi, Gu Xiaoqiang, Juang, C. H. (2024). A unified model of cyclic shear–volume coupling and excess pore water pressure generation for sandy soils under various cyclic loading patterns. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(9), 04024075.
21.Chen Guoxing,Qin You, Ma Weijia, Liang Ke, Wu Qi, Juang, C. H. (2024). Liquefaction susceptibility and deformation characteristics of saturated coral sandy soils subjected to cyclic loadings–a critical review. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 23(1), 261-296.
Qin You, Chen Guoxing, Xu Zihao, Ma Weijia, Wu Qi. Sandy soil deposition state mold and sample preparation method[P].(FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA专利授权,专利号:F/PT/C/2023/8193)