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[20] Wang Yanhong,Feng Xu*,Changqing Guo. Stability of fluid-conveying pipe in mining transportation system with elastic supports under distributed follower force. Mechanics of Solid, 2025 (Accepted).

[19] Tianlin Wang,Feng Xu*,Changqing Guo, Chenzhou Fan. Research on impact vibration of cantilever fluid-conveying pipe with foundation excitation and gap constraint, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2025,140, 115889.

[18]Fan Chenzhou; Guo Changqing;Xu Feng*; Wang Tianlin. Research on impact vibration response of hinged fluid-conveying pipe with bilateral gap constraints,International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2024,164: 104726.

[17]Feng Xu*; Yifei Sun; Yiqing Zhang; Zhenbo Li; Li Zhang ; Discovery and verification of traction weakening effect between multi track shoe of deep-sea miner and sediment, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 283: 115045.

[16]Zhang Yiqing*,Xu Feng, Zhang Xiaoyang. The influence of temperature on the large amplitude vibration of circular single-layered MoS2resonator[J].The European Physical Journal Plus, 2022, 137: 428.

[15] Yi Wei, Xu Feng*. Semi-Empirical Time-Dependent Parameter of Shear Strength for Traction Force between Deep-Sea Sediment and Tracked Miner[J].Sensors 2022, 22(3), 111.(SCI收录)

[14] Xu Feng, Rao Qiuhua*, Ma Wenbo. Predicting the sinkage of a moving tracked mining vehicle using a new rheological formulation for soft deep-sea sediment[J]. Journal of Oceanology & Limnology, 2018, 36(2): 230-237. (SCI收录)

[13] Xu Feng, Rao Qiuhua*, Zhang Jie, Ma Wenbo. Compression–shear coupling rheological constitutive model of the deep-sea sediment. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology[J]. 2018, 36(3), 288-296. (SCI收录)

[12] Xu Feng, Rao Qiuhua*, Ma Wenbo. Effect of rheological property of deep-sea sediment on turning traction force of tracked mining vehicle[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 28(6):1233-1240. (SCI收录)

[11] Xu Feng ; Rao Qiuhua*; Ma Wenbo. Track shoe structure optimization of deep-sea mining vehicle based on new rheological calculation formulae of sediment [J]. Mechanics Based on Design of Structures and Machines.2019, 47(4): 479-496.(SCI收录)

[10] Xu Feng; Rao Qiuhua* . Theoretical trafficability criterion and diagrammatic analysis based on rheological property of sea-floor sediment and topography[J]. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2021(4):1-8.(SCI收录)

[9] Ma Wenbo, Rao Qiuhua, Feng Kang, Xu Feng. Experimental Research on Grouser Traction of Deep-sea Mining Machine[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2015, 36(9): 1243-1252. (SCI收录)

[8] Ma Wenbo, Rao Qiuhua, Xu Feng, Feng Kang. Impact Compressive Creep Characteristics of Simulative Soil for Deep-sea Sediment[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2015, 34(4): 356-364.(SCI收录)

[7] 许锋,饶秋华,刘泽霖.基于深海底质流变特性和接地比压的集矿机牵引力计算方法研究[J].中国有色金属学报, 2021, 31, 2817–2828.(EI收录)

[6] 许锋, 郭长青, 黄建红. 弹性支承输流管道在分布随从力作用下的稳定性[J]. 工程力学, 2014, 31(7): 234-238. (EI收录)

[5] 许锋, 郭长青, 黄建红. 分布随从力作用下含裂纹输流管道的稳定性[J]. 油气储运, 2013, 32(7): 715-720. (CSCD收录)

[4]马雯波,饶秋华,冯康, 许锋.深海稀软底质模拟土三轴压缩蠕变模型的试验研究[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版). 2014,12:3777-3788. (EI收录)

[3] 许锋, 饶秋华. 深海稀软底质土压-剪耦合流变本构方程及其应用[C]// 湖南省力学学会2015学术年会论文集. 2015, p: 269.

[2] 许锋,饶秋华.深海底质流变特性与履带式集矿机通过性准则研究[A].中国力学学会、浙江大学.中国力学大会论文集(CCTAM 2019)[C].中国力学学会、浙江大学:中国力学学会,2019:3.

[1]饶秋华,刘泽霖,许锋,黄维,马雯波.深海稀软底质特性及采矿车行走性能研究进展[J].中国有色金属学报, 2021, 31(10):22. (EI收录)

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