2010.9-2015.6 南华大学 采矿工程专业 博士
2002.9-2005.6 南华大学 供热供燃气通风及空调工程专业 硕士
1998.9-2002.6 南华大学 建筑环境与设备工程专业 学士
2018.9-2019.9 美国密歇根大学(安娜堡校区) 核工程与放射科学系 国家公派访问学者
(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,11575080,热湿传递作用下颗粒堆积型双重孔隙射气介质氡的迁移行为研究, 2016/01-2019/12,已结题,主持;
(2)湖南省自然科学基金面上项目, 2022JJ30482多层墙体的氡迁移行为及微渗透控氡机理研究,2022/01-2023/12, 在研, 主持;
(3)湖南省自然科学基金面上项目, 2018JJ2318, 铀矿冶含氡放射性水体氡的溶解-迁移-析出行为研究, 2018/01-2020/12, 在研, 主持;
(4) 环保部核与辐射安全监管项目:堆浸类铀矿山辐射环境安全标准研究, 2016-2017,已结题,主持;
(5)核工业理化工程研究院委托科研项目:气溶胶受限空间内行为机理与控制技术研究(2018KHX37), 2018~2020,已结题,主持;
(6) 核工业理化工程研究院委托科研项目:气溶胶的扩散与沉积机理研究(2016KHX54),2016~2017,已结题,主持;
(7)企业横向课题:高分子焚烧装置性能及环保评价检测(2017KHX38), 2017.10~2018.4,已结题,主持;
(8)企业横向课题:微山湖稀土矿通风降氡工程 (210KHX040),2021-2023,在研,主持;
(1) 叶勇军,王忠琨,陈光玲,黄俊尧,雷波,谢超. 地下工程原位测定氡扩散系数和可运移氡产生率的方法,中国,ZL201810563521.6(发明专利)
(2) 叶勇军,吴文浩,李实,丁德馨,谢超,冯胜洋. 测定多孔射气介质中氡扩散系数和可运移氡产生率的方法,中国,ZL201810487727.5(发明专利)
(3) 叶勇军; 陈光玲; 王忠琨; 黄俊尧; 丁德馨; 余修武; 一种开环式测量射气介质氡析出率的方法和装置, 2020-02-21, 中国, ZL201810487714.8(发明专利)
(4) 叶勇军; 王忠琨; 陈光玲; 黄俊尧; 丁德馨; 钟永明; 一种闭环式测量射气介质氡析出率的方法和装置, 2020-02-21, 中国, ZL201810487713.3(发明专利)
(5) 叶勇军; 张运锋; 代鑫涛; 丁德馨; 李乐; 梁涛; 苏杭; 尹安松; 颗粒堆积型射气介质氡迁移的物理参数的确定方法及其测量装置, 2018-5-18, 中国, ZL201610565316.4(发明专利)
(6) 叶勇军; 代鑫涛; 丁德馨; 钟永明; 苏杭; 余修武; 一种控制采场爆破铀矿堆氡渗流的通风设计方法, 2017-8-1, 中国, ZL201610012869.7(发明专利)
(7) 叶勇军; 代鑫涛; 余修武; 丁德馨; 雷波; 谢超; 李峰; 一种开环式原位测量水体氡析出率的方法和装置, 2016-10-5, 中国, ZL201510636622.8(发明专利)
(8) 丁德馨,李广悦,叶勇军,胡南,扶海鹰,宋键斌,王永东. 串联柱浸试验装置,2013.5.22,中国,ZL201210032958.X(发明专利)
(9) 叶勇军,代鑫涛,丁德馨,肖德涛,张宇轩,张运锋.一种带自搅拌和均匀取气功能的氡收集器,2016,中国,专利号:201620018205.7(实用专利)
(1)Ye Yong-jun*, Liu Wei,Li Shi,Huang Chun-hua,Guo Qian,Chung Long Kiu,Chen Guang-ling,Liu Yihuizi. A laboratory method for concurrently determining diffusion migration parameters and water saturation effects of thoron in uranium tailings[J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 249:126520, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126520(SCI收录)
(2)Ye Yongjun, Chung Long Kiu, Zhou Qingzhi, Kearfott Kimberlee J. Evaluation of 222Rn and 220Rn discriminating concentration measurements with pinhole-based twin cup dosimeters using computational fluid dynamics simulations[J]. Radiation Measurements, 2020, 134:106369 (SCI收录)
(3)Ye Yong-jun*, Liu Wei, Huang Chun-hua, Liang Tao, Feng Sheng-yang, Chen Guang-ling. Radon migration in finite-thickness particle-packing emanation media[J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,2020, 324: 737–746(SCI收录)
(4)Ye Yong-jun*; Chen Guang-ling; Dai Xin-tao; Yang Rong; Kearfott Kimberlee J; Experimental study of the effect of water level and wind speed on radon exhalation of uranium tailings from heap leaching uranium mines; Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(25):25702–25711(SCI收录)
(5) Ye Yong-jun*; Wang Zhong-kun; Liang Tao; Ding De-xin; Feng Sheng-yang; Zhong Yong-ming; Experimental study on radon exhalation behavior of heap leaching uranium ore column with dilute sulfuric acid; Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(20):20308–20315(SCI收录)
(6)Ye Yong-jun*, Wu Wen-hao, Dai Xin-tao, Huang Chun-hua, Guo Qian. Effects of temperature, salinity, and pH on 222Rn solubility in water[J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019, 320:369–375 (SCI)
(7)Ye Yong-jun*, Wu Wen-hao , Huang Chun-hua,Kearfott Kimberlee J. Experimental study of the effect of seepage on radon exhalation in circular tubular porous emanation media[J]. Indoor and Built Environment, 2019,29(5), 701-710 (SCI)
(8)Ye Yong-jun*, Wu Wen-hao, Huang Chun-hua. Theoretical study of the exhalation of radon from a circular tubular cover layer[J]. Indian Journal of Physics, 2019, 93(5):667–672 (SCI)
(9)Huang Chun-hua, Li Shi, Ye Yong-jun*, Ding De-xin, Wu Wen-hao. Variation rules of the radon emanation coefficient in dump-leached uranium tailing sand[J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019, 319(3):1037-1043 (SCI)
(10)Ye Yong-jun*; Wu Wen-hao; Feng Sheng-yang; Huang Chun-hua; Shi Li; Simultaneous determination of the radon diffusion coefficient and the free radon production rate from compact porous emanation media; Building and Environment, 2018, 114:66-77. (SCI收录)
(11)Ye Y J, Zhang Y F, Dai X T, Ding D X. A universal laboratory method for determining physical parameters of radon migration in dry granulated porous media[J]. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2017, 177:135-141. (SCI收录)
(12)叶勇军*,苏杭,丁德馨,余修武,钟永明,梁涛. 通风条件下留矿法采场氡迁移试验研究[J].中国安全科学学报,2017,27(8):144-149(CSCD)
(13)叶勇军*,苏杭,丁德馨,雷波,冯胜洋,梁涛,张运锋.地下铀矿山留矿法采场受限空间内氡迁移的数值模拟[J].安全与环境学报,2018,18(01):217-223 (CSCD)
(14)叶勇军,代鑫涛,丁德馨,江俊廷,李志. 含氡放射性水体氡析出规律的理论研究[J]. 辐射防护,2017,37(1):56-61(CSCD收录)