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2021年02月27日 11:25  点击:[]



E-mailhui.zhu_01@outlook.com; h.zhu@usc.edu.cn

1. 教育经历







2. 工作经历


The University of SydneySchool of Architecture, Design and Planning (Indoor Environmental Quality Lab), Visiting research fellow






3. 科研兴趣



1) 极端环境与人体热舒适

2) 疲劳形成机制与抑制

3) 人体认知与工效

4. 学术成果(5)


1) 湖南省自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 2020JJ4078, 湿热气候条件下人体热调节失稳机理与评价研究, 2020-012022-12, 在研, 主持

2) 悉尼大学, 基础研究项目, 2019/1044, Effects of thermal environmental adaptive opportunities on mental workloads during the performance of cognitive tasks, 2020-012024-01,在研, 参加(项目负责人:Richard de Dear教授)

3) 湖南省教育厅,优秀青年项目,湿热环境下基于自主神经动态平衡的人体热不舒适评价,2021-012023-12,在研,主持

4) 南华大学, 博士科研启动基金项目, 190XQD061, 湿热气候条件下人体热舒适评价研究, 2019-012021-12,在研, 主持

5) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 51876087, 相变蓄能多层多热桥墙体双向四维全周期热湿耦合传递机理研究, 2019-012022-12, 在研, 参加(第二)

6) 湖南省自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, 2018JJ3442, 基于电生理学的多气候条件下人体热舒适研究, 2018-012019-12, 已结题, 主持

7) 衡阳市科技局, 科技计划项目, 2017KJ300, 基于生理学的夏热冬冷气候区人体热舒适机理研究, 2017-012019-12, 已结题, 主持

8) 国防科技局, 乏燃料后处理项目(涉密项目), ********, *********通风关键技术及设备开发研究, 2020-012022-12, 在研, 参加

9) 湖南省科技厅, 重点研发计划项目, 2017SK2394, 全寿命周期装配式多层多热桥相变蓄能墙体热湿传递及调控方法研究, 2017-012019-12,已结题, 参加

10) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 上项目, 51276057, 失重条件下密闭空间人体热舒适机理研究, 2013-012016-12, 已结题, 参加


1) Hui Zhu, Linsheng Huang, Chuck Wah Francis Yu, Hua Su. Thermal comfort under weightlessness: A physiological prediction. Indoor and Built Environment, 2020, 29(8): 1169-1180. (SCI Q2)

2) Hui Zhu, Hanqing Wang, Duanru Li, et al. Evaluation of the Human Thermal Comfort under Simulated Weightlessness: An Experimental Study Based on the Power Spectrum Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2019,31(1):73-83. (SCI Q2, EI)

3) Hui Zhu, Hanqing Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, et al. Effects of simulated weightlessness on thermal sweating of human body: An Experimental study. Indoor and Built Environment, 2019,28(1):88-99. (SCI Q2)

4) Hui Zhu, Hanqing Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, et al. Experimental study on the human thermal comfort based on the heart rate variability analysis under different thermal environments. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 616:1124-1133. (SCI Q1)

5) Hui Zhu, Hanqing Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, et al. Experimental study on the variations in human skin temperature under simulated weightlessness. Building and Environment, 2017,117,135-145. (SCI Q1, EI)

6) Hui Zhu, Hanqing Wang, Zhiqiang Liu. Effects of real and simulated weightlessness on the cardiac and peripheral vascular functions of humans: A review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 2015,28(5):793-802. (SCI)

7) Hanqing Wang, Hui Zhu, Chuck Yu. Diffusion and transportation of the radioactive airborne pollutants: Challenges and progresses. Indoor and Built Environment, 2020, 29(1):3-6. (SCI Q2)

8) 朱辉,王汉青,刘志强. 模拟失重条件下人体出汗变化规律的实验研究. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 44(9)9-17. (EI)

9) 王汉青,朱辉,刘志强. 重力变化对航天员心血管系统影响的计算机模拟. 航天医学与医学工程, 2016, 29(2):101-108. (MEDLINE)


1) Hui Zhu*, Jing Xiong, Mingle Hu, Linsheng Huang. Thermal discomfort evaluation under hot and humid environments. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (Indoor Air 2020), Seoul, South Korea, Nov 1-Nov 4, 2020.

2) Hui Zhu, Hanqing Wang, Hua Su, et al. Experimental evaluation of the indoor human thermal comfort under different environments based on heart rate variability analysis. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Harbin, China, July 12 - July 15, 2019

3) Hui Zhu. Health evaluation of the human body under hot and humid environments: A study based on the Neurophysiology and Neuroethology, 9th International Conference on Environmental Science &Technology, Moscow, Russia, June 24-June 25, 2019.

4) Hanqing Wang, Hui Zhu, Can Li, et al. A Computational Simulation of the effects of altered gravity on human cardiovascular system, Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Aerospace Medicine, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 10-12, 2015.


1) 湖南省科技进步一等奖:高温工业烟气高效综合治理关键技术, 2019


1) 王汉青, 李正明, 蔡攸婵, 朱辉, 徐俊彦, 标准化装配式地板辐射采暖板及全屋地暖系统, 2020-2-18, 中国, ZL 201920429382.8.

2) 李正明, 王汉青, 朱辉, 蔡攸婵, 可辅助锁舌对位的智能门锁, 2019-8-27, 中国, ZL 201821293967.3.

3) 王汉青, 李正明, 蔡攸婵, 朱辉, 徐俊彦, 标准化装配式地板辐射采暖板及地暖系统组装方法, 2019-4-1, 中国, 201910257019.7.

4) 王汉青, 刘金芝, 谢东, 朱辉, 采用空气层进行热量交换的防露辐射供冷顶板, 2019-2-22, 中国, ZL 201820794065.1


5. 学术兼职

  ISIAQ membership(自2020年)

  担任SCI期刊Indoor and Built EnvironmentInternational Communications in Heat and Mass TransferScientific Report审稿人;担任国际期刊International Journal of Depression and Anxiety审稿人。



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