2007/09-2012/06 湖南大学,土木工程学院建筑环境与设备工程系,博士
2004/09-2007/06 湖南大学,机械与运载工程学院能源与动力工程系,硕士
2000/09-2004/06 哈尔滨工程大学,动力与能源工程学院热能与动力工程系,本科
2015/01-2017/12,辐射末端温度场均匀性研究及内部传热优化(0201-2015XQD03),南华大学博士启动基金, 5万元,主持
(1) 期刊论文
[1] Wenhao Deng, Min Tu*, Lie Liu, Junlu Fang, Investigating the mechanisms of thermal resistance changes in a vapor chamber: A combined experimental and simulation approach. Applied Thermal Engineering 265 (2025) 125406.
[2] Weizhou Cen, Min Tu*, Xianhao Chen, Xiaopeng Song, Junlu Fang, Study on the impact of water-cooled seats under summer conditions on occupant thermal comfort. Applied Thermal Engineering, 265 (2025) 125649.
[3] Yuelong Tan , Min Tu*, Chao Li , Xiaopeng Song , Junlu Fang, A computational model of an air-layer radiant cooling panel for optimizing and design. Applied Thermal Engineering 248 (2024) 123131.
[4] Wei Chen, Min Tu*, Hui Huang, Junlu Fang , Wenhao Deng, Experimental study on the thermal performance of Type-C near dew point radiant cooling wall panel. Applied Thermal Engineering 238 (2024) 122038.
[5] 陈伟, 涂敏*, 张子文,张伟, 含密封空气层冷辐射板的换热分析与实验测试. 科学技术 与工程, 23(15): 6388-6377, 2023.
[6] Min Tu, Hui Huang, Ze-Hua Liu, Huan-Xin Chen*, Cheng-Qin Ren, Guo-Jie Chen, Yan Hu, Factor analysis and optimization of operational parameters in a liquid desiccant air-conditioning system. Energy, 139: 767-781, 2017.
[7] Min Tu, Cheng-Qin Ren*, Guang-Fa Tang, Zhen-Sheng Zhao, Performance comparison between two novel configurations of liquid desiccant air-conditioning system. Building and Environment, 45(12): 2808-2816, 2010.
[8] Min Tu, Cheng-Qin Ren*, Long-Ai Zhang, Jian-Wei Shao, Simulation and analysis of a novel liquid desiccant air-conditioning system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(11-12): 2417-2425, 2009.
[9] 涂敏*,汤广发,任承钦,曾阳,蔡德宏,溶液除湿系统中除湿塔的参数分析.化工学报, 61(10): 2546-2551, 2010.
[10] Cheng Qin Ren*, Min Tu, Hua Hui Wang, An analytical model for heat and mass transfer processes in internally cooled or heated liquid desiccant–air contact units. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (17-18): 3545-3555, 2007.
(2) 会议论文
[1] Letao Wan,Zuyi Liang ,Xiaopeng Song,Qingwei Xiang,Shu Xiao, Jiang Gong,Min Tu* , Brief introduction of an automobile radiant cooling air[1]conditioning system based on photovoltaic power generation. AEECE 2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 831 (2021) 012035.
[2] Min Tu*, Chengqin Ren, Huanxin Cheng, Haijia Lin, Analysis on Parameters of Regeneration Subsystem in Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Systems. 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue (ID2194:1-9), 2014.7.14-7.17, Purdue university, 2014.
(3) 专利
[1] 发明人:涂敏、林海佳、庄嵘、尚瑞、吴凡、黄玉优、王东、曹巍,专利名称:辐射板换热组件,授权时间:2017.04.12,授权国别:中国,专利号:CN103822318 B (发明专利)
[2] 发明人:涂敏、万乐陶、向庆伟、梁祖意、宋晓鹏、肖澍、丁琴,专利名称:一种新型车用辐射空调系统,授权时间:2022.01.11,授权国别:中国,专利号:CN215474325U(实用新型专利)
[3] 发明人:涂敏、庄嵘、林海佳、吴一梅、王思、安建克、吴凡、黄玉优,专利名称:辐射板及中央空调系统,授权时间:2015.04.29,授权国别:中国,专利号:CN204301193U(实用新型专利)
[4] 发明人:涂敏、林海佳、黄玉优、吴凡、曹巍,专利名称:新风除湿机,授权时间:2013.08.28,授权国别:中国,专利号:CN203163124 U(实用新型专利)
[5] 发明人:涂敏、林海佳、庄嵘、尚瑞、吴凡、刘彩赢,专利名称:除湿机,授权时间:2013.04.03,授权国别:中国,专利号:CN202852995 U(实用新型专利)
[6] 发明人:吴一梅、涂敏、林海佳、雷二桥、吴凡,专利名称:辐射板结构及辐射板换热器,授权时间:2017.03.01,授权国别:中国,专利号:CN104764346 B(发明专利)
[7] 发明人:王思、吴凡、涂敏、吴一梅、黄昌成,专利名称:板块安装结构及具有其的空调器,授权时间:2015.09.16,授权国别:中国,专利号:CN204648601U(实用新型专利)