1986年3月~1987 年12月航空部哈尔滨空气动力研究所,助工
1. 国家自然科学基金(11075072)“铀尾矿土壤-植被-大气系统放射性核素大气扩散耦合模式及数值模拟” ,项目负责人
2. 湖南省自然科学基金“大空间建筑有害气体输运控制的数值模拟和实验研究”(04JJ3061),项目负责人
3. 湖南省高校科技成果产业化培育项目“变工况气力输送与物料在线回收技术研发及产业化”(12CY011),项目负责人
4. 国家重点实验室开放课题“突发性恐怖事件中大空间建筑有害气体扩散机理的数值模拟”(中国科学院大气物理所大气边界层物理与大气化学国家重点实验室LAPC-KF-2003-12),项目负责人
5. 国家重点实验室开放课题“大空间建筑有害气体输运过程的数值模拟和实验研究”(中国科学院大气物理所大气边界层物理与大气化学国家重点实验室LAPC-KF-2004-16),项目负责人
6. 湖南省自然科学基金重点项目“空调风系统粒子污染物的迁移沉降动力学及控制方法研究”(08JJ3094),主要参加
7. 湖南省教育厅重点科研项目“热电制冷与热虹吸耦合系统优化及其节能应用”(08A061),主要参加
8. 2009年度湖南省高校产业化培育项目“热质循环废热回收技术关键装备研发及产业化”(09CY012),主要参加
9. 国家自然科学基金“三差耦合的深部铀矿井氡析出机理与排氡风量计算模式的研究”(11475018),主要参加
1. 彭小勇,叶雅玲,梁晶晶. 发明专利:基于科恩达效应的吸顶式通风设备[P]. (ZL201510905681.0),授权公告日:2018.1.2
2. 彭小勇,叶雅玲,张园,符智秋. 发明专利:基于科恩达效应的室内通风装置[P]. (ZL201510905580.3),授权公告日:2018.1.2
3. 彭小勇,叶雅玲,胡畏,梁晶晶. 发明专利:科恩达翼型片换气扇[P]. (ZL201510905595.X),授权公告日:2017.11.28
1. 李喻,彭小勇,熊寒.气膜降温固壁辐射对流空调模拟研究[J].科学技术与工程,2020,20(4).
2. 熊 寒, 彭小勇, 谢 海, 柳建祥. 多污染源集成式排风罩有害气体控制研究[J],南华大学学报(自然科学版),33(4):38-43. 2019第 33 卷第 4 期2019 年 8 月 p38-43
3. 郑玉兰,彭小勇,李喻,柳建祥,熊军,地面吹干机气膜气流特性研究[J],建筑热能通风空调,38(11):35-39. 2019
4. 叶雅玲,彭小勇,胡畏,张园. 基于科恩达效应通风装置气流特性研究[J]. 建筑热能通风空调,36(11):23-27. 2017
5. 张园,彭小勇,胡畏.自然风影响下大跨度厂房屋顶气膜降温研究[J].建筑热能通风空调,37(3):48-51. 2018
6. 胡畏,彭小勇,谢海,张园. 滑动式调节阀气动性及力学特性分析 [J].建筑热能通风空调, 37(4):46-49. 2018
7. 张欣,彭小勇,黄帅,铀尾矿库尾矿砂大气污染的控制研究[J],环境科学学报,第34卷,第11期, 2878-2884页,2014
8. 黄帅,彭小勇,张欣,郭兰霞,柴旭昇,铀尾矿库滩面析出氡在覆土中运移的数值模拟[J],安全与环境学报,第14卷,第3期,176-179页,2014
9. 万芬,彭小勇,谢清芳,张欣,黄帅.基于离散相模型的铀尾矿砂大气迁移数值模拟[J],安全与环境学报, 第13卷,第1期,96-101页,2013
10. 谢清芳,彭小勇,万芬,黄帅,张欣.植被覆盖对铀尾矿库氡大气扩散影响的数值模拟[J],安全与环境学报,第13卷,第6期, 264-269页,2013
11. 谢清芳,彭小勇,万芬,黄帅,张欣.小型绿化带对局部微气候影响的数值模拟[J],安全与环境学报,第13卷,第1期, 159-163页,2013
12. 张欣,彭小勇,黄帅,铀尾矿库滩面植被分布对尾矿砂大气迁移影响的数值模拟[J],安全与环境学报,第13卷,第6期, 269-273页,2013
13. 万芬,彭小勇,谢清芳,张欣,黄帅.尾矿库颗粒的大气迁移及其防护措施,铀矿冶,第32卷,第1期, 53-56页,2013
14. 刘振昊,彭小勇,熊军,万芬,谢清芳,平地型铀尾矿库氡大气扩散数值模拟及环境效应分析[J],安全与环境学报,第12卷,第3期,93-96页,2012
15. 谢海,郑小珍,彭小勇.恒压集束式风力送丝装置的设计与应用[J].包装与食品机械.2012,30(3):66-70
16. 李梅芳,彭小勇,姚林.抽油烟机不同工作模式对厨房环境特性的影响[J].制冷空调与电力机械.2010,31(1):55-58
17. 银桂华,彭小勇,左振海,李梅芳.柜式空调器室内机送风角度对室内热舒适性影响的数值分析[J].制冷与空调,2009年第2期
18. 彭小勇,潘沙,范晓樯,胡非,李桦.基于预处理法非定常低速流动的数值模拟[J].数值计算与计算机应用.2007,28(2):107-115
21. 彭小勇.自然通风计算方法和计算参数的应用研究[J].暖通空调,2000,30(6)
22. X. Y. Peng, Y. Zhang, W. L. Gu, H. Xiong, Y. Li. Study on Air Film Formation Mechanism and cooling in large-span Air-conditioning plant Rooms without Natural wind[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 6(8):1596-1605. 2018
23. Yaling Ye, Xiaoyong Peng, Jingjing Liang, Zhiqiu Fu. Numerical Analysis of Inducing Airflow Characteristics on the Airfoil Model Based Coanda Effect[C], Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, December 12-13, 2015:232-236.
24. Yaling Ye, Xiaoyong Peng, Zhang Yuan, Huwei. Study On the Airflow Characteristic of the Airfoil Ventilation Fan Based on Coanda Effect[C]. 2016 International Conference on Modeling , Simulation and Optimization Technologies and Applications. Xiamen, Fujian, China, December 18-19, 2016:144-146
25. Zheng Yu-lan, Peng Xiao-yong. Numerical Simulation of the Airflow Characteristics of Drying by Ground Air Film. 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Technologies(ICMT 2018), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 398(2018) 012024
26. Lanxia Guo, Xiaoyong Peng, Jianxiang Liu, Xusheng Chai, JingjingLiang, Zhiqiu Fu, Thermal Comfort Study of Wall Hanging Air-conditioning Office in Summer, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 1008-1009 (2014) pp 1088-1091,(EI )
27. Xiaoyong Peng, Lanxia Guo, Xusheng Chai, Jingjing Liang, Zhiqiu Fu, Numerical Simulation on Effects of Air Supply Angle and Air Supply Velocity to Indoor Thermal Environment of Wall Hanging Air-conditioning, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 1030-1032 (2014) pp 553-557
28. CHEN Weimin,YUAN Guo,PENG Xiaoyong, XIAO Shuangshuang, Experimental Study on the Stability of Pneumatic Cut Tobacco Feeding System, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 889-890 (2014) pp 493-496
29. Xiaoyong Peng, Xin Zhang, Shuai Huang, Xusheng Chai, Lanxia Guo, Fen Wan, Qingfang Xie, Numerical Simulation of the Vegetation Effect on Tailing Sand Atmospheric Transport in Uranium Tailing Impoundment, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 726-731 (2013) pp 1613-1618,(EI )
30. Xiaoyong Peng, Xin Zhang, Shuai Huang, Xusheng Chai, Lanxia Guo, Numerical Simulation of Radon Atmospheric Dynamic Diffusion from a Flat ground Uranium Tailings Impoundment, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 807-809 (2013) pp 628-631,(EI )
31. Xiaoyong Peng, Fen Wan, Qingfang Xie, Xin Zhang, Shuai Huang. Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Migration of Particles From Uranium Tailings Impoundment, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 253-255 (2013) pp 1014-1018 (EI)
32. Xiaoyong Peng, Qingfang Xie, Fen Wan, Shuai Huang, Xin Zhang. Numerical Simulation of Influence of Vegetation on Atmospheric Diffusion of Radon Emanating From Uranium Tailings Impoundment, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 253-255 (2013) pp 1009-1013 (EI )
33. Xiao-yong PENG, Xin ZHANG, Xu-sheng CHAI, Shuai HUANG, Lan-xia GUO, Research of Poison Gas Diffusion and Emergent Ventilation in Large Space Buildings with obstacles, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 419 (2013) pp 808-813,2013(EI )
34. Xiaoyong Peng,Zhenhao Liu,Lin Yao,Qingfang Xie,Fen Wan.Research Status and Influencing Factors for the Radon Emanation of Uranium Tailings Impoundment, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 356-360 (2012) pp 1679-1683(EI)
35. Xiaoyong Peng, Zhenhao Liu, Qingfang Xie, Xin Zhang, Fen Wan, Shuai Huang. Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Diffusion of Radon Emanating From Flat Ground Uranium Tailings Impoundment in Different Heights, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 518-523 (2012) pp 1677-1681(EI )
36. Peng Xiaoyong,Wan Fen,Xie Jingfang,Yao Lin,Liu Zhenhao.Numerical simulation of indoor airflow and poison gas diffusion in air-conditioning buildings with large space, Advance Materials Research, v243-249, p 5810-5817, 2011(EI)
37. Xiaoyong Peng, Qingfang Xie, Fen Wang, Zhenhao Liu. Research of the control-exhaust ventilating mode on poison gas emergent events in large space buildings. The 7th international symposium on heating, ventilating and conditioning, Proceedings of ISHVAC2011, Nov. 6-9 2011, SHANGHAI(P.R.CHINA), p1056-1061(EI )
Email: pengxiaoyong@126.com
Tel.: 0734-8282494